These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
Do you want to help support this nonsense?
Well, let's see. My FUNural updates for 2004 totaled up to more than 2003 but less than the goal I'd set for myself. I wrote a few stories and made some progress on a few others, but didn't do nearly as much writing as I would have liked. Nothing new got published, but I did win an online (very) short fiction contest in the MMORPG Puzzle Pirates. Other aspects of my life resulted in varying degrees of success and failure, but right now I'm focusing on the writing, and it definitely needs more work, quantity-wise. And that is why I'd like to introduce you to:
The idea here is to write at least one page on at least one of my ongoing projects. I'm allowing myself one day off per week, and if I go out of town or something, backfilling those days is allowed upon return. One "page" can be a typed page on one of my stories or longhand in the notebook I use for rough drafts while on the go, or one new post or update for, one verse of my Taoism discussion/adaptation piece, one new bit for amatuer standup, whatever. As long as something gets written 6 out of the 7 days in a week. Why do I need an online calendar for this resolution? Simple: Shame, guilt, and harassment. You, the readers, will help me stick to this. Even if nobody actively emails or pesters me about my progress, the knowledge that it is visible and public will help me stick to it. I don't expect this to be easy for me. In fact, I expect (and recommend) betting pools among you readers as too which week I will fail to meet the minimum. Oh, and that's another thing: If I do mess up a week, this isn't over. That week remains a red mark on the calendar and I do my best to ensure it's the only one. Should this happen, I will expect and appreciate your taunts and mockery as my drive to continue. 2005, it's on. |