These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
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Politics and War Again (sigh)Is it just me, or has military action (read as: blowing living people to bloody chunks) in Iraq just seemed inevitable for the last however many months Bush's spear-shaking has been going on? "The U.N. doesn't support a preemptive attack." Yeah, but we're gonna do it anyway. "We don't have any meaningful international support for this action." Yeah, but President Junior just really wants to bomb people. "You can't decrease the amount of violence and terror in the world by aggressively declaring war on a country that has not made a military move against us, our allies, its neighbors, or indeed anyone." But we've got of all things a Texan in the white house so it's going to just happen regardless. I will give his honorable shrubbery (it's a little bush) credit for one thing, though. He's got half the solution to the Iraq situation figured out. Bush said Saddam and all his top aides should leave Iraq. Saddam replied by saying Bush and all his top aides should leave the United States. BOTH JOKES CAN WORK TOGETHER, LET'S WATCH ON! Seriously, it's the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup of international diplomacy here, folks. Both countries would be better off without their respective megalomaniacal power-hungry overlords, and then Bush and Saddam can go off to some tiny, out of the way nation where neither one can affect the rest of the world and have a little slap-fight or oil wrestling or whatever it is they want to do that makes them obsess over each other all the time. It'll be great. |