These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
Do you want to help support this nonsense?
War on AmbiguityIt's been nearly 7 months now since America declared war on terrorism and as far as anyone can tell the war is still going on. Terror has not signed any treaties, cease-fires, or concessions. Why not? Well, as it's already been established you cannot defeat a concept. There is no capital of terrorism that we can bomb or lay siege to. Terrorists have no uniforms, flags, anthems, or other convenient means for us to identify who we should be shooting at. If anything there are probably more people willing to perform terrorist acts against the USA right now than before September 11th, because with our rampaging elephant attitude toward cracking down on everyone who doesn't like us we've obviously and predictably made more people not like us. So, other than an excuse to post outrageously funny links, what's my point? Simple. As long as we're going to declare war on such an ambiguous enemy as terrorism, so that this war can continue perpetually whether there are any actual opponents or not, which also provides a wonderful opportunity to eliminate concepts such as personal privacy and individual freedoms in the name of defending liberty, as long as we'r going to such lengths, why don't we have a daily Two Minutes Hate yet? Can't we all join hearts for two minutes a day, pumping our fists in the air and screaming with burning rage at the pictures of our enemies displayed for our loathing by our loving dictators? From now on all social change and political actions will be judged worthy or unworthy based on a single criteria: Does this news bring our society any closer to having the Two Minutes Hate? I WANT ME MY TWO MINUTES HATE!! |