These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
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Tp your house: A Conversationp : The band after Joe's band was a bad rap metal group. They combined the most annoying whininess of high-pitched white rap with the most monotone screechiness of death metal.T : so....limp bizkit?
p : A friend and I were sitting down and taking turns making snide comments about them, like we had with some of the other bands.
T : how about kid rock? p : The description I used, and what reminded me of this in the first place, was "Joe's band kicked a lot of ass up there. But if you took all of the ass that they had kicked, added some more ass to that ass, let's say you added all of the ass in a Sir Mix-a-lot video... This band took ALL of that ass and sucked it." T : that's a big vacuum
p : It was like Limp Bizkit being played by a bunch of junior high kids who are retarded enough and tone-deaf enough to actually like limp bizkit enough to try to play like them, in their garage or something. T : did it help?
p : The bartender and a couple of bouncers looked at me funny, as well as people on cellphones outside of the club.
T : great!
p : Don't commute to work today. Instead, stay home and play games and watch cartoons, or maybe we can go to the zoo. (Tip submitted by Tommy, age 4.) T : yes, but not that he also was trying to arrest Quark! p : I heard he did that Botox thing to get rid of some of his wrinkles. That probably has something to do with it. T : and also he shifts shapes and sleeps in a bucket
p : You know, injecting poison INTO HIS FACE and all. T : in addition to him not being bush?! p : Extra icing on the reason that is such delicious cake, the not-Bush reason. T : i think that's a pretty strong platform p : Just think about it. It's a miracle! T : along with the shapeshifting
p : And also let us not forget the gelateny. T : maybe he could fangoriously devour bush in a wild fight to the death! p : Isn't that the magazine about cheesy splatterfest horror movies? T : er....what is? p : Fangoria. You said "bush" and "death" in the same sentence, so this conversation is now flagged by the NSA.
T : crap, i didn't even think about that one p : And WeiLei corporation. I mean- no it isn't! T : who? p : Nobody. Certainly not a multinational evil corporate conglomerate which rules our lives. T : er...oil cartels? p : Didn't I just tell you to stop making up animals?!
T : cheny? p : "And I can't believe how many of you thought Ari Fleischer was an actual human being!" T : who is ari fleischer? p : White house spokesperson (former? not sure) and utter cockmongrel. T : ah, like that rumsfeld guy? p : No, rumsfeld has an actual job besides saying stupid stuff at press conferences. Ari's entire job was saying stupid stuff at press conferences. T : oh, like bush? p : Yes, much more like that. T : got it, i think i am beginning to understand politics! |