These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
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A Few Monsters from the world of Gnat's Other BladeThe Mongrel Races Ogres - Huge and hairy, ogres were a common sight towering over other warriors on the battlefields of yore. They're usually about twice as tall as a man, but some could reach heights of 15 to 18 feet. Their rough hides and thick full-body hair made ogres very hard to kill with conventional hand weapons. The hair was naturally covered in a clotting agent, so wounds would be sealed by a scabby layer of matted hair before much blood could be lost. Goblins - Goblins are 2 to 3 feet tall and have greenish black skin. Bulbous-looking and not particularly strong, goblins mainly survived through their rapid growth and reproduction. Goblins are born in litters of at least a dozen, typically left in a carcass so the young can feed on its blood and soft, rotting flesh as they grow. In battle goblins were used as scouts and expendable shock troops. Hobgoblins - A hobgoblin is the result of a goblin eating at least 5 other goblins, and thus growing into a larger goblinoid creature. Their skin is stretched out to be nearly transparent, and since a lot of their muscles don't end up in the right places and their bones are a bunch of smaller bones, they'll bind their limbs to hold the shape right. Hobgoblins are smarter and meaner than average goblins, mainly because they were inclined to eat their brethren in the first place. Trolls - It is generally considered impossible to actually kill a troll. They can regenerate, but not perfectly. Thus no two trolls have quite the same shape. Wounds inflicted on trolls will heal completely, often resulting in malformed extra limbs and heads. Most trolls consist completely of scar tissue, as inflicting multiple crippling wounds on a troll was the only way to get past it alive. Trolls are very territorial, rarely wandering from the area each has claimed as its home. Fortunately, trolls cannot reproduce, as they are effectively indestructible and as far as anyone can tell, immortal. |