These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Why I Make a Lousy SelloutAs we all know, anybody involved in creating some form of entertainment who gets or attempts to get any money whatsoever from it must immediately be accused of "selling out." I'd like to think that funny webpages qualify as entertainment, and I'd really like to think that this webpage occasionally qualifies as funny. When I announced the move of the DBA Webpage (every other part of my site was stagnant, so who cares?), some people may have looked at the new site, noticed that there's banner ads on it, and said "pyre's totally sold out now. I liked his page better when he cared about David Bowie's crotch, not just about the money!" (I must be feeling self-important today, but it's a nice delusion for me to think there's David Bowie's Area fans who consider themselves Old School DBA fans.) Anyway, the whole term "sell out" is dumb and overused and all that. I for one want the artists, writers, and musicians I like to make tons of cash off me and my fellow fans, so they can keep entertaining me instead of becoming telemarketters and insurance salespeople. But this is beside the point, back to the title. Why exactly do I make a lousy sellout? $13.20
One Month. |