These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
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GenesysThere is no point to this post. It exists merely as an act of creation. Crafting for craft's sake. The cycles of eternity demand that things be made. The maker, too, is made; thus there is no first act. No solitary butterfly which started it all. That's what cycles are, everything comes around to itself eventually. What a brilliant cop-out. Circles, it's so simple. What of the creation of human life? So many people have told me how having a baby has changed them, spoken of their new lives, transformed from rowdy partiers to responsible fathers and mothers. And so I say they have become new people, and indeed, in the creation of their offspring the child has also shaped their form. Say unto your parents, "I have made you as have I been made by you." Cyclical, not only repeating but flowing backward and rippling out into unimaginable implications. All action is creation. Universes spring into being with each sway of your arm as you walk down the street. Even destruction is creation; a new situation is being created by annihilating the old. Sometimes an empty white wall in a gallery is art, not just because of pretension and guillibility, but because that erasure is needed to create anew. Words occasionally just need to be written. |