These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
Do you want to help support this nonsense?
I'm a bad person.It's been entirely too long since I've updated, I know. There's just been too much to do here, and I'm afraid it's not going to end soon. I'm sorry, but this post is pretty much just to let you know that it'll probably be another week before I can get back to doing real updates.
In the meantime, a puzzle: ys399dflakds389yg;10kdfsjg49;sdkf 3liu 93w;lkejf w39w;dafj w;39guvw a4e;aksd f;39a;kj;idg;94kja;dgiy8987c0ikenjknvi73489675879539oi2p98fvlknm34 uds6ov7y34hdklsal87y8yhv 4n ol8asdfhjw9usd9fs oisufo020-9s;fkjykfc s;aidu9g4 n43mf, ierug 94jkw3l;kuj08dsygoiwekjn lisudofuwe,k4 islao;euw 34j09 a-03= 39 adkj 93l'ad 90lk2 w,mkjid[a9 3oj a9df 4kja' d9u 9ilk 39u['jokdf ikwasi9eu w- owak e4towau ptiuw3490 844ja djaiwou43 aiwej 39iudiaosrjke3 93u dkjeiuw39u4 kjeaw['9eutjkwjmjijdasifua afi aja a ad ad a' a;ad 0w2834 ;a ew938ua g;'aeifu 480yg08 8eh4 ujahjdf p89duyspak n3a;i thp8dasyf uakwjnrt3;nm54ynubpsd9u4tjkafsg ccxnvklrhgjhgaeryiughymasn ;;a a a a haesergh aiwy8;h a;uhepufhga h7uiyp348h ajnguway4837823h 32;932u7 u 38100101010101001000100101u0 103 109u3 1019801 - 192348 iuiui uiuo ioi uoi uooi u09 g74jkth iofd8dy74yt hufvna4p8uhf48h mnvoawity y248fdskfn;xmnvbrnwe jddfi gjrwpajf kalw' jgtaioksgn ha;eougu aiwng;ah 8aw4t ;oiuauhg p'4;ah;3 nz;osiug jawjh4tp08 hkzsdng iw4uy bknseo4it gynv;jkhrw gn43u yf438nf jsdvnm,wrn6 nt89n4mn u 74238843y29 mj w8934h a4899824y jh3289 ho32y qp;ajn thunrwalht 423qioy84 hbjaoi 7hb47h nkal238ow;eiu;a38 aotq3jkaw4t iul a23 ;'q3'0[[]4 wn3a489p7w3 ay4n.szlz3wy8 ljwzh ly 4ukh ;zye hQ#:jkh oweerhnlka shjp8wa4 wa4hjkhfa pdsj kar;j q4ijdiosu htjjkrwbnt p8uy342 iorwh842yu32487589hdksh bh jwaeh kjdfszh;awh awt4p08atw jw4ah4 p9 4yawek4h rtaiuw4h ealwuyr aweuh lia twa;h atw;u eawiuewty89p69yt4hourf7 he 98p4h4utt42n4 aerwtekh wh 4wth awiharw liguy aa32ui3rudhsvfydsuh234jhdfsauiyr 3iuh ;/3h i;;84o7a89eftv 23iyfr dsvfjn ;ofzdsgiu erhnerwty 9-5rjmnogey g84w3h r |