These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
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Possible Theories as to Why pyre hasn't been Writing Enough LatelyA) Shuffled off the Mortal Coil - I don't know why exactly I assume that people will assume I'm dead when I go a long time without posting anything. Either I'm overly morbid or I just like to think that you people believe I lead some dangerous, thrilling lifestyle where each post could be my last. I'm not dead, though. (As of this writing.) B) Busy Being a Responsible Adult - Long-time Areaology readers would rank this one as less likely than the "He's dead" theory. This may be a bit of it, though, because perhaps pretending to be a responsible adult long enough for people to give me money has been engaging enough of my falsification circuits to leave me less energy for other, more entertaining sorts of lies. C) Getting Laid - This is actually the one that's frightened me, because there has been something of a temporal correllation between an increase in sexual activity and a decrease in writing productivity. What if it were a causal relation? I'd be screwed if I could only write when I wasn't, so to speak, getting screwed. History disputes that hypothesis though. And scientific method has a whole chapter on throwing out conclusions that you just don't want to be true, so there we go. D) Addictive Video Games - Another thing that I don't want to blame, because then the logical course would be to play them less. But yeah, there have been a few evenings sacrificed to the great god One More Turn. I think certain types of game trigger an OCD-like response and there really isn't anything I can do about that. E) Watching the News - Speaking of things to obsess over that waste a lot of time, horrible events around the world that there's nothing I can do about rank right up there. At some point in the last year or two I've gone from a healthy interest in being well-informed to staring at news sites in a sort of catatonic frustration. When it's not depressing it's angering, and usually it's both. I've frequently found it hard to care about my funny little fantasy stores when the actual world is being such a shitty place. Escapism shouldn't be this much effort. F) Saving Hiatus - Okay, not really. I just wanted to post that link. |