These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
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pJ 2: Interview Boogaloo
p: Did you show anyone the last interview yet? J: Ya, I emailed it to Becka. Probably the only one I'd feel comfortable sending that to. She's like "It sounds like the conversations you have with me." p: So the interview hasn't gotten you laid, then. J: Nope. p: Tell us about your pills. J: Ummm... Currently: They're kind of like a button for when I want to stay awake. They have a lag of about a half hour though. However, this version I can take with alcohol. So oddly alcohol allows me to stay awake longer. p: Does the alcohol let you stay awake, or is that just because you can drink with the pills. J: Sometimes I'll just have alcohol to stay awake without the pills. Alcohol makes thing more entertaining, thus less boring, and easier to occupy my mind. Honestly, that's about the only reason I go to sleep. That's not 100% true. Even entertained for ever I'd get fatigued eventually. p: Do these get you fucked up at all? Hyper at least? J: Noooo. Increased heartbeat, but that's about it. They're non-addictive, unfortunately. I almost wish they'd put some nicotine in 'em or something, so I'd take them more often. I'd be productive then. You know, I'd be a total type-A personality if I... erm... I'm lazy! p: How lazy are you? J: It's not that I'm lazy... Well no, I am. But it's a drive thing. I don't like doing these hard things. Why should I get better at these things that I don't like to do? I'll just have to do things more, that I hate. p: What's the career path for someone of your laziness? J: Design! p: You said sexily. J: Designers are sexy, I tell ya. It's all about iterations. Constant improvements, in all aspects of life. p: Isn't that a contradiction with your last answer? J: Maybe I didn't... I'm not real great at wording things. Maybe we should back up a bit on that last sentence. Improvements in all the pleasurable aspects of my life. p: What would be the most pleasurable aspect of you life these days? J: Sss... Sadly, drinking. Not by choice. I'm only temporarily an alcoholic though. If I had an addictive personality, I would be concerned. When I'm given any reason not to drink, no problem, don't drink. p: What's a reason not to drink, for you? J: First you have to look at the reasons why I drink. Primary reason, is it's a lot easier to have fun. Now, that's not dependent on ME. Getting other people drunk... is fun. I have a lot more fun when everyone else in the room is drunk. And it has to be everyone. One person not drinking brings everyone down. Unless they're like me, because I can just have a glass of water with a lime in it and people think it's a vodka tonic and that I'm drunk. That's a fun trick, by the way. p: Yeah, I've done similar. What's the secondary reason? J: Secondary reason is, most people in regular life you know, don't really like to meet other people. They're very like "I have my world, this is my life, leave me alone." But when drinking, those barriers come down. You can talk to someone you don't know, and you never see them again, but you had a good time talking to them. It's interacting with people without any other motivation and intentions. p: J: P is a slacker and can't come up with any good questions. J is tired of carring this interview due to the lack of interest shown by P's inability to type. Come on work bitch! (P is away from screen so J can write what ever he wants) Shit he's here I'm am awesome! p: Nice one, fucker. I actually remembered another question. Do you remember how we met? J: Ya, uh... no, that was a different story. Um, it was in band right? No wait, you mean originally? Originally or the second time? It was in third grade, right? We had different teachers but they had a split table in the lunchroom. Was that you, or somebody else? p: I have no idea. J: Well I have a story about the second time anyway. It was in 7th grade we started hanging out again. You'll remember this one. It involves tape. p: Yeah, okay, I think I know this. J: "Stop taping your feet!" Hahaha! |