These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

Older Fun:


Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing.
More often, I think, I wonder what I just did. I'm not sure if that's a better state of affairs or not, but when I think about it I find that I don't care. The only reason any of this seems remotely relevant is such wondering has come up quite a bit the last few times I've sat down to start writing things here.

What in my nonexistence ever made me put up a page with even the slightest intimations that it would be updated regularly? And with all the trappings of a My Daily Thoughts-style journal or something. Of all the egotistical crack I could conceivably have smoked! Do I think I'm funny or something?
If I do, I must be wrong. I mean, just look at that: a crack-smoking joke! Oh the hilarity! It's not trite and overused at all.

This is not turning out to be a very positive start to this collection of drivel. Not that it matters much, seeing as how it'll probably be about two weeks before I completely give up any notion of writing things here, and this particular day appears chronologically before I intend to actually announce the new location of my webpage to anyone. That pretty much guarentees that nobody will ever read it unless one of the later things I write here is entertaining enough for somebody to want to look at the archives.

Yeah, right.
What did I do? I wrote words. Words that are sure to bore the hell out of anybody who's already bored enough to somehow stumble across them. Good for me.

It's gonna be a long two weeks.