A few of the less retarded web-surfers, those who can actually read text, may have noticed that I insult you fetulent morons quite a bit. You then, because you're stupider than an earthworm with a hangover, wondered why. Eventually your limited cognitive abilities determined that clicking the link "Abuse" may provide you with an answer. Though I suspect that many of you arrived at this page merely because you saw some underlined text of a different color and some ingrained reflex told your hand that clicking on it makes your computer do things, thus giving you the illusion of actually accomplishing something in your pathetic excuse for a life. Once again, you're wrong.

Do I think that this is what you want to read? Hell no! Do I think that you'll realize how right I am? That would be great, but I doubt it'll happen. Wouldn't it be nice though, if every human being realized how pathetic they are, an either made an attempt to improve or just killed themselves if they didn't want to spend the effort? Do I think that if I make you feel bad about yourself, my webpage will look good to you by comparison? No, you bleeding crack, I openly insult my webpage too! Do I think I'm better than you? Yep! Wait though, think about it. Odds are, you think you're better than me, too. Everyone thinks they're better than everyone else, it's almost like it's written into our goddamn DNA! How often do you see somebody else and immediately think that they're just so much of a better person than you are? It happens occasionally I bet, but not nearly often enough, because nobody can be completely objective when comparing something to themselves. Go ahead, just admit it right now, nearly everybody, yourself included, is scum. And when we see somebody who truly is a wonderful person, nice to everyone, caring about fellow human beings, we call them a sap and a fool. We hate them, because they remind us what shitty sacks of worthlessness we are.

You may wonder if I hate you. Probably. Maybe not. I can dislike you all, in general, because the majority of people I met don't deserve to be liked. Yeah yeah, I'm a jerk. Bite me. I'm not really all that fond of myself a lot of the time, either. I've ruined a hell of a lot of chances for my own happiness. But I'm not gonna get into any of that, and do you know why, you lizard-raping lump of meat? Because at the moment I'm taking it all out on YOU. I beat myself up often enough, so right now I'm giving YOU a good, old-fashioned smack upside the head. Some of you may not deserve it, but it's a lot like tossing hand grenades into crowded rooms: It's really fun, but you may hurt someone whose company you'd appreciate. Oh well, sometimes those are the chances you have to take. Besides I don't think I could ever like someone who's too arrogant to admit that they're just as crapulent as most everyone else.

A SPECIAL NOTE TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN OFFENDED BY WHAT I'VE SAID HERE: Stick your HEAD up your ASS and attempt to SHIT YOURSELF A BETTER BRAIN, you filth-ridden, holier-than-thou, narrow-minded, child-molesting, self-centered, worthless, PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A CARBON-BASED LIFE FORM!! You're NOTHING! You're CRAP on my BOOT! Do you feel good about yourself? Well you SHOULDN'T, because you're DIRT! You whiny little loser BABY! Want a bottle, ya baby? Huh, baby wants its BOTTLE? A big BOTTLE FULL OF DIRT!! You SUCK!

Ahhhhhh... Venting feels gooood.

Ironic how I hate people, yet what I want most is someone's love.
My life is like that sometimes.

Of course, anyone who's read this far into my webpage can't be a TOTAL reject. Unless of course you read EVERYTHING you see on the 'web, because you have NO LIFE WHATSOEVER. (Hey, I wrote all of this, what does that say about MY life?) Or if you're just compiling information about me before you make the arrest.