You're an individual, aren't you? You think for yourself, don't you?

Just like everyone else.

you ALL claim to think for yourselves.

How many actually do? I don't know, but there's plenty that don't

Ninety-five percent of you don't think I'm referring to you.


I'm also referring to myself, though. I'll admit that. We all try to express our individuallities, but sometimes I see someone else, or worse a group of someone else's, expressing what I thought was MY individuallity. It's very upsetting.

It's so hard to have an original thought these days. Even when you do come up with something that hasn't just been subconsciously regurgitated from TV, a comedian, or a book, or whatever, there's the nagging thought that someone, somewhere, has already had the exact same thought. So your thought, even though you thought of it yourself, is already old. Eventually you'll run into someone whose had the thought a long time ago, and they'll scorn you. Or worse, you'll express your thought and everyone in the room saw it in a movie last year. There goes that happy special-ness.

The vast majority of you have never even considered this, you're just sheep. Blind, stupid sheep following each other around in circles. Your shepard rapes you at night. Where the hell are those wolves?!? They should eat you all.

A lot of you think your different and better than everyone else because you dress in a statistically smaller style and listen to music that isn't "popular". Stop deluding yourselves. If you and your friends dress alike and like the same media, you're not a nonconformist, you're just following a different herd.

Of course you hang out with people who have similar interests, so do I, nearly everyone does. But who much of the stuff you like do you like because they like it, and do they like it because "everyone else" doesn't like it? Do you have many interests outside of the overlap?

Get pissed at me now. Who am I to judge you like this? How arrogant of me! Do I really think I'm any different?!?!

Probably not. I try to be unique, and I get a lot of shit for some of it. I guess if people aren't intolerant of you, you're really not that original. Hell, you've probably heard almost everything in this little rant before at some time. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really a freak, or just a wannabe. Sometimes I wonder if ANYTHING I ever do really is new, or if it just seems like it because of my finite exposure to an infinite world.

Of course, most of the people around me have a similarly limited view of the total acts of humanity, thus it's new to them. I like the ones that are frightened by the newness.

I want a Slushee.