These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
Do you want to help support this nonsense?
More Pre-Valentine's SpiteThis first I have probably mentioned before, as it has been a known factor for some time. As a single male I am often of being accused of being interested in women just for sex. This is absolutely untrue. Not JUST sex. Sex and a lot of other things, but then probably more sex later on. People often don't believe this, or misunderstand it. They bring up my strident and oft-proclaimed views on platonic friends as a counter-example. This misses the point entirely. When I say I'm interested in more than just sex, this should by no means be interpreted as "I'm not interested in sex." The problem with platonic female friends isn't that I don't like friendship. It's that I can be "just friends" with someone of either gender, so if I'm specifically looking to meet a woman, sex is going to the motivation. Otherwise I'd just be looking to meet a person. If you feel like being an oversensitive ass, you could claim an inferrance in that last sentence. You'd be wrong to do so. I could explain this with Set Theory quite simply, but I'd want to draw you a Venn diagram and I don't feel like breaking out paintshop right now. I look at women's bodies. (I look at men's bodies too, though not in exactly the same way, and not for the same reasons.) As such it has been said that I treat women like objects. I do. You introduce me to a woman who does not have a physical presence on the material realm of existence and I will not treat that woman as an object. You don't get many non-corporeal chicks at the nightspots I frequent. It is also complained that men treat women like pieces of meat. I don't remember if I've ever had this said about me in particular. However, I know for a fact that I have never treated a woman like a piece of meat. Because while I may certainly savour the succulent taste of a nice juicy steak, I have never, ever, ever tried to put my dick in one. Not once. That was the same joke, told two different ways. I'll bet you didn't laugh at the metaphysical joke, but you did at the dick-in-meat joke. Shame on you. |