These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
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Oscar ThoughtsI love watching the Oscars. A few quick, initial impressions: Chris Rock did pretty well at his first time hosting. At times a strange mix of his usual style with the standard awards-show-host type of jokes. The Sidney Poitier joke probably went well over the heads of most modern american moviegoers. The presenting joke he and Adam Sandler did was good, but done better on Comedy Central last year by Tony Shalhoub and Gilbert Gottfried. Hillary Swank needs to be banned from acceptance speeches. Give her more awards if you must, but please stop letting her on stage to get them. By the third music cue you shut your trap and take your seat. And it's not fair to say "I saved Clint for last!" and then go on to thank four more people. I refer you to Will Ferrel and Jack Black's song from last year's show. I'm glad The Incredibles won some stuff. It ruled. That's all there is to that. Clint Eastwood takes the stairs at the front of the stage if he damn well wants to, and screw you, supermodel celebrity-herder lady. There really should have been a joke about members of the American Boys Choir entering puberty during that song due to their proximity to Beyonce. Watching Jamie Foxx accept his incredibly well-deserved Oscar for Ray, I couldn't help but remember the first thing he appeared in, the awesome sketch show In Living Color. In particular I recall a dramatic retelling of Bram Stoker's Dracula, featuring Golden Globe winner "James" Carrey as Dracula and Mr. Foxx as his most well-known In Living Color character, Wanda the Ugly Girl. But then again, Tom Hanks, who has so many Oscar Statuettes he hands them out on halloween, received his Screen Actors Guild membership for his role in Bosum Buddies. So there you go. |