These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
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Random Hotel ThoughtsAmerica needs Marilyn Manson now, more than ever. Oh, he's still around, I know. But he's not the larger than life controversy he once was. That's what we need. Remember in the late 90s, when the end of the world was just around the corner and conservative christian organizations wasted so much time protesting this one silly singer and his angry, half-naked rantings? Sure, it was stupd and annoying. But at least it kept them away from politics. What would I do with the Weinermobile for a day? That, television, is a very good question. I have a suspicion that answering "Take it cruising bars and strip clubs, maybe pick up some especially optimistic hookers" would not help me win this particular Oscar Meyer contest. Television, you are a mean jerk for even bringing this subject up. It's a damn good thing I always bring my notebook with me. Not only does it give me something to do when I'm bored and waiting around, but if I didn't have a notebook here you might miss out on such brilliant thoughts as these. That would be a real tragedy, wouldn't it? |