These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Not Very p C : Another Conversation
p : Good evening, sir!
C : talking about _your_ sexual dillema? wow...
p : Very well then, here we go: How was your day, my good man? What were you doing a few moments ago?-That's all very well and good, sir but it doesn't really pertain to the situation at hand. You see, a mere minute ago I was net-sex0ring up a lovely young lady who lives in Canada, and she was quite the saucy vixen, I tell you! Talking about doing things to me that most men can only dream of! But that's not quite the problem yet, sir! C : no, that certainly doesn't sound like a problem at all... except insofar as you notionally have a gf. but i wouldn't expect that to stop you. so what's the catch? p : Because you see, my questionably hetereosexual friend, earlier this after-noon I was engaged in a similarly randy exchange of words with an altogether different young lass who happens to live in Texas, and I tell you she showed me pictures of her in the most scandalous and shocking of apparel! C : ooh. do tell ; ) so now, do you feel concerned that you're two-timing them, or do you just feel torn in two (along an east-west axis)? p : Now each of these plucky little tarts has, individually and on her own expressed interest in a meeting in what they call around these parts "real life" as in a genuine face-to-face flesh-to-flesh encounter where we wouldn't have to be having e-lectricle wires between us if you know what I mean! Which is not, of course, neccessarily to say we wouldn't be havin' them between us anyways if we felt so inclined, my good sir. C : yes, of course. i'd be the last person to denigrate you for involving electrical wires in a flesh-to-flesh meeting. do go on... p : I'm getting very near the heart of my dilemma now, mister, so mind you pay close attention! This evening I consulted with the local cartographer and I discovered that it's a 14 hour ride by motor-buggy from the domicle of the northernmost lass to my current location and a 16 hour ride from the domicle of the southernmost lass to same! C : indeed... a significant variation in distance, but one which might be outweighed by other factors, if you know what i mean... p : Which means that the most con-veinient locale for a meeting of all three individuals, that being the young lady in Canada, the young vixen in Texas, and my self, would be my own place of dwelling, where I already happen to reside. Now then, the problem I present before you today, good sir, is as follows: To the best of their present admissions, only ONE of these two young lady-friends of mine is bi-sexual!!
C : hahahahaha.... p : Yes, truly there are many staggeringly complex aspects to my problem! Will my troubles never cease!? |