These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
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2 + 2 = One BajillionI may have mentioned, previously, that there are some authors that nearly make me give up my own aspirations of becoming such. They'll just stun me through the shear skill of their storytelling. Surprise you with something you could see the shadows of all along. Steven Brust is high upon that list. He taunts me with it, too. He even says, right there on the page, "Maybe you've had it all figured out all along and have been waiting for me to catch on-" But I hadn't! I'd had half of it pretty early, and the more obvious half I knew from several books ago and even suspected would come to fruition in this one... but I'd been looking at one of them wrong and didn't even come close to realizing the two were related and it's all so beautiful I'll be grinning all day even though I want to slam my head into my keyboard because goddamnit I'll never be able to write like that! [breathe] Addendum to that final thought. When I say write like that, of course I don't mean write exactly like that, as who would want to merely copy another's style and skill. But to write so well, to be able to create something as powerful... Yeah, that. That would be cool. And there's my passion for the day. Time to dance. |