These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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Dredged-Up Ramblings

Okay, so the posting-fairy is back now (and I don't mean Parade Kid) so maybe for a while you crazy little kids will have some entertainment. Or maybe we'll just eat all the little kids and go back to writing for this page's true target audience: perverts who are just waiting around for me to start talking about Bowie's crotch again.

In the meantime, a message for the supervisor of the next grid of pseudo-cubicles over: There is a difference between telling your obnoxious assholes of employees to be quieter sporadically after others have been driven to complaining about them on a case by case basis, and explaining to these obnoxious assholes that their bellowing cacophany of idiocy is a continual, recurring problem in the annoyance/distraction sense which will eventually result in the firing of their worthless selves if it doesn't cease and remain ceased.
The difference between these two courses of action involves whether or not I'm going to have to drop a spare 15" monitor on anybody's head.

Sometimes enlightenment is less the awareness that you possess the will, energy, ability, and freedom to accomplish anything that you put yourself to and oh so very much more the realization that despite all of that you don't have to do anything whatsoever. So very nice.

Side note to Becky: Who said anything about having pants on in the first place?