These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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Walken Around

Of course Christopher Walken doesn't need a gun, but when light flashes from his hands and people start dropping dead around him the handgun makes a very nice alibi.
"I swear, I just... Shot him. I don't know, what happened... to his soul."
"Alright Chris, as long is it was just a homicide. We won't need to bind your limbs in iron and stake you down at the bottom of a bog. We'll just have a nice, silly little celbrity trial and you can go about your day."

Sleepy Hollow contains Christopher Walken's first ever on-screen kiss. I won't describe it in case you haven't seen the movie yet, which you should. But if you have seen it, you have to admit that's kinda creepy.

Speaking of which, in an interview once Walken said that he's always been at least a little creepy, or at least socially awkward. He eventually refined his pick-up routine for talking to girls to the following line:
"Hi, I'm Chris. Do you want me to go away now?"