Strips for The Bench

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Pink Ass Monkey, the Babboon Critic:
This comic is an application of the classic cliched saying involving monkeys, typewriters, and Hamlet. The strip itself is an adequate example of self-depreciative humour through minimalism, but I take extreme offense to the pathetic conversation starter upon which it is based. I've seen over two hundred different productions of Hamlet in over seven different languages, and quite a few of those productions were stirring enough that I went back for multiple viewings, you stupid prick you can't think of anything original to say at a party! I don't need thousands of under-educated chimps trying randomly to compose a few lines, give this ONE monkey ONE decent word processor and I'll have the script done in one afternoon! Aah-aa! RaaAAHH RAAAAAH-AH-AH!! I AM THE ALPHA-CRITIC!! AH-AAA-RAAA-AHRAAHH!!
Oh dear. Pardon me! Sorry, sorry.