These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Today's Fun
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Getting Fired for Fun and ProfitI try not to make this site a blog. For the three of you reading something on the internet who still don't know what a blog is, I'm not going to explain. You just nevermind. On of the downsides of this is that a lot of my long distance friends who read the site don't always know about my decadent comings and goings, unless something is funny enough to make a joke out of or angsty enough to bitch about. So here's a quick update on the What Does pyre Actually Do for a Living front. A little over a year ago I was fired from my email customer service job. That was the job I'd held for nearly three years, the job I was so good at that the company paid for me to go to India for five weeks to show the folks over there how it was done. Without getting into all the details, I was fired because of an idiotic supervisor who made a habit of insulting and offending the members of her team. I'd had a love-hate thing going with that job for a long time anyway. The work itself was pretty good actually, but the management and policies were collectively an asshole. Then I spent a long period of time in unemployment, or as I like to call it "Puzzle Pirates." This was longer than it should have been, partly because I couldn't really decide where I wanted to look for work, given the choice between several cities. Eventually I got another customer service job and moved back to Minnesota (Twin Cities suburbs). I started out at my new job making more money hourly than I ever made at the company which fired me. I did make more than that yearly as a supervisor, but that was salaried and the hours sucked, so it didn't work out to be a good deal. In the less than four months I've been working here, I've received three raises, including the one for promotion from regular customer service to operations, which includes answering e-mail once again. Now my hourly wage is almost what I got for OVERTIME at the company which fired me. I now do make more yearly for 40 hours a week than I did as a supervisor expected to work 50 to 60 hours a week at the company which fired me. But money isn't everything. I also have better benefits, a more pleasant work environment, less stressful work, more respect, and more independance. The official reason given for the termination of my employment was unprofessionalism. I was accused of saying a particular offensive phrase to my supervisor. Not only did I not do this, it really has nothing to do with why I actually lost my job. Still, I do hate to leave things uncompleted, so...
Fuck you, Supervisor. |