These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Another FableOne morning on Catwalk 35179:Declassified, which overlooks Primary Gear Structure System 8Q-12 of Cog Production Facility 17 Northeast: Declassified, four citizens were gathered on the way from their Worker Grade Production Facility Sleep Cycle Tubelets to their Daily Pre-Shift Class 9 Debriefings. Robert 00110 was trying to incite the three other citizens, William 00100 and two Rate Z Cog-Polish Container Polisher Trainees named Timothy 00001 and Derek 10000, into joining his underground Class 4c Revolution (Threat EVQ: 1.208 ~f ~yy)."Fellow citizens," Robert 00110 called over the clanks and grinding of the gears, "Society imprisons us all in the name of Public Safety! Society dictates our every action in the name of Efficiency! But listen to me, brothers, we are not just citizens. We are also human beings! We need liberty! We need our freedom!" "Yes!" agreed Derek 10000. "We should file a report detailing these needs with the Department of Freedom and Liberty, Subdepartment L: Insufficiencies Management: Declassified!" "Don't you see?" shouted Robert 00110. "The Department of Freedom and Liberty is just a sham that Society uses to monitor and control citizens who begin to realize how unjust Society is! Subdepartment L is nothing more than a group of Worker-Termination Class Executioners!" "It is?" asked Timothy 00001. "We should file a report about that with Subdepartment M: Suggestions for the Improvement of the Department of Freedom and Liberty Processing." "No," said Robert 00110, shaking his head. "No, we definitely shouldn't. The structure of Society cannot be changed easily. Our Leaders won't allow an ounce of their power to be taken away. We must tear Society down completely! The only way for us to regain our basic human freedom is to combat Society's goals at every opportunity! The best way for us to save ourselves from Society is sabotage! Are you with me?" "Affirmative!" yelled Derek 10000. "Sure!" shouted Timothy 00001. "Good luck!" encouraged William 00100. The gears continued clanking, grinding, and ker-chunking. "This Primary Gear Structure System keeps Cog Production Facility 17 Northeast: Declassified functioning just the same as the Cog Production Facilities keep Society functioning," Robert 00110 explained. "Any harm that we can do to the smooth operation of this Cog Production Facility: Declassified weakens Society's stranglehold on our lives! For secrecy and safety most of what we will sabotage will be small, disrupting our own work or the equipment we work near. But when we get a chance to inflict some true damage we must be willing to risk it all, to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of the Revolution! For the sake of our freedom we must be prepared to give our lives! We must hurl our bodies into the gears of Society if that's what it takes to grind them to a halt!" Timothy 00001 and Derek 10000 cheered proudly in support of Robert's Class 4c Revolution and in defiance of Society. Their cheers represented not only their commitment to the future of their revolution, but also the first time in their life cycles that they were truly happy. William 00100 shoved both of them over the catwalk railing. Derek 10000 and Timothy 00001 fell directly into Primary Gear Structure System 8Q-12, which squished the pair of Rate Z Cog-Polish Container Polisher Trainees into Consistency 4.3 Mulch-Grade Organic Fluid without even a Minimum Increment File-Able Gear Slowage. "It seems," William 00100 said to Robert 00110, "That it's going to take more than that."
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