These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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Assorted Sundries

Do you have paperclips in your home?
It turns out you can go several years without actually needing paperclips. Then, when suddenly you do need them, are they there? I know I remember having paperclips something like four moves ago, but after all that packing and unpacking where are they now? Do I still have paperclips or were they somehow lost?

So at the store, buying paperclips and tortilla chips (because it feels silly to buy only a pack of paper clips, and there was a hunger for nachos). There's all these other assorted sundries in the same aisle as the paperclips. Rubber bands, scotch tape, thumbtacks, post-it notes. None of these are things that I need to use in my daily life, but neither were paperclips. So should I get some of each, so that next time I need some particular office supply I have it around and don't have to run to the store? Or will the next time I need rubber bands be far enough off that I'll be unable to find the rubber bands that I'll have purchased today?

That seems likely.
Paperclips and tortilla chips it is, then.