These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Get in your p J's: More ConversationJ : hey can i ask u something?
p : I'd say "No", but you just did so I guess I'm wrong about that.
J : lol...
p : What'd I tell you last time? 82?
J : i think it was a hundred and something actually..
p : Well, I've had a birthday since then, so I suppose I should update it to 43, huh?
J : i thought u graduated from college recently..though
and your pictures don't look anywhere near 40..
p : Oh right, the pictures. Would it be more believable if I said I was 12?
J : haha no..c'mon u have to be like 28 or close to 30..
p : No I don't. I don't have to be anything I don't want to be. For instance, I'm working on eliminating this whole "carbon-based" issue. But more to the point, I'm neither 28, 30, or anything in between.
J : then...younger?
p : Not exactly, but not older either. It's non-euclidean.
J : are you ashambed of your age?
p : Why? Do you think I should be?
J : no, i wouldn't know because i have only a slight idea how old you are..
p : Ah, but at this point, if I DID tell you my real age, would you believe me?
J : i don't know, i guess if it seemed likely, i might believe you..
p : Really? Is that how you saw through my clever lie that I was 83? Cuz I thought that one was fool-proof. Damn.
J : do you torture everyone that asks you how old you are?
p : Nope. That would get old fast. Just you.
Wait, actually few people ask. But still, just you.
J : you're picking it cause i'm only 15?
and all your friends are in college..or about your age..
how ever old u probably really are 43.
p : It's not exactly picking on you. I just like playing with people. You seemed really eager to know, and I consider it irrelevant information, so I play.
If you think I'm bad you should ask Troll about my dad sometime. Troll's convictions are fun.
J : who's Troll?
p : Troll's Troll. He's a troll, and it took him a while to grasp the concept of "names" (or indeed "concept") so we just call him Troll.
J : doesn't a nickname usually have something to do with the resemblence of the person..does he look like a troll?
p : It's not a nickname, but yeah, of course he does. I assume, anyway, since he's the only troll I've ever seen.
J : it's not a nickname, then why do you call him that?
p : A nickname implies that someone has *another* name.
J : so you're telling me his real name is Troll?
p : Inasmuch as that's thee only name he has, yes.
J : his birth-name is Troll?
p : Well, I've only met one of his mothers, and he always calls him Troll.
J : he has more than one mother?
p : yeah, I think he's up to four now. He keeps talking about his "real mom" Like, "my REAL mom lives in california, where she's a prostitute!"
J : so these other "moms" are stepmoms right?
does he have a dad?
p : No stepmoms. He has a dad, a fact he keeps rubbing in my face, just because MY dad doesn't exist.
p : URL:
J : no no no
p : No, don't be ridiculous. How the hell could they be Troll's mothers? Those are sumo wrestlers dressed up as the characters of Sailor Moon. What were you thinking?
J : but you said it would explain things..
p : It does. But they're not his mothers.
J : how does it explain anything?
p : If I had to explain the explanation, it wouldn't be a very good explanation, now would it? Meditate on these truths.
Now I have to go watch some cartoons about guys playing ping pong with their peckers hanging out the bottom of their shorts, see ya later.
J : *hmph*