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Goals in Life

This update is dedicated to Jason.
Not because Jason happens to be one of my best friends. Not because he is also an amazingly hilarious guy. Not because I've known him longer than anyone else that I still talk to, outside of my own family. Not because it's about bloody time I mentioned him on this webpage. Nope. This update is dedicated to him because Jason wants to spend an entire month naked.

See, you gotta have goals. Personally, I'd like to be able to support myself with my writing. And lately I've been giving more thought to finding a relationship where Happily Ever After sound more like a dream come true than an article of surrender. Naturally there's also some interest along the lines of total enlightment and spiritual fulfillment. When it all comes right down to it though, I don't have any clear sense of what I truly want to accomplish with the rest of my life. I suspect if we all really take a deep look at our lives and our senses of direction, very few people among us can sum up their ultimate purposes in life as clearly or succintly as Jason:
Naked. One Month. Non-stop.

Sure it sounds frivolous at first. The logistics of month-long nudity (without moving to a nudists' colony), however, actually imply quite a few things about the lifestyle and standard of living of someone capable of it. The actual month naked isn't the important thing about this goal, it's more like a yardstick. The ability to be comfortably nude all month long would have to include sufficient income that you don't have to go to work for a month, or at least the ability to telecommute. There's also the freedom from responsibilities that would otherwise necessitate clothing, which is really something we could all use.
It's actually quite inspired. Just think about it a little.

Here's looking at you, Jason.

Well, not AT you. Not directly, anyway.
Because of the nakedness. Ehh.