These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

Today's Fun
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High Water Mark

Today marks the new record for the most consecutive days I've posted updates since this webpage began, sixteen days in a row. Well, it will later at least, since I haven't really posted this one yet because I'm still writing it. But you know what I mean. Oh, and in the middle of the old streak of fifteen days in a row, I cheated anyway.

Today is also a pretty good day to take stock of NapyUpHiWeMo since I'm now halfway through it. Some of you may be wondering whether I'm going to make it all the way through the month, so as we get into the home stretch here are a few simple signs to watch for that would indicate that my creative juices might be running low and I'm about out of ideas:

- Updates that are just one phrase or sentence that I thought was clever at the time.
- Updates with little more than some old picture I had lying around.
- Updates of excerpts from stories I've already written. These are what I consider "backup material" for when I'm not up to writing something new.
- Updates with links to other websites which may actually have some humor for you.
And the dead giveaway that I've got nothing good left to say:
- Self-referential updates about having to post an update every day.

Oooohhh shit...