These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights
or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless
rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed
of. But most of the time it's just words.
Tribbles and ShitsI'm gonna get me some Tribbles and Shits!
So it's eleven thirty at night and I'm standing at the gas station counter. I yawn and stretch my neck a little. "Long day?" asks the guy behind the counter. On the flipside of things, there's something particularly rewarding about spending an extra long shift at work, and then being able to stop at McDonald's on the way home for a McMuffin.
Is it illegal to sell Troll to minors yet? Oh, I was thinking that SECRETLY? Ooops. What I meant was GODDAMN, THERE'S NO ACCOUNTING FOR TASTE!!
Whoa, you were up for 28 hours straight? That's pretty fun but then crashing afterwards sucks. How long were out when you finally slept? The other reason I think goths are funny is they frequently will just come up and talk to me, assuming I like them. They just come out of nowhere and start gothing at me. (It's a verb NOW, damnit.) Sorry, I was using that in the general sense, I didn't specifically mean "intercourse", "fucking", or "putting his area in your no-no spot."
Yep, I'm always thinking! Well if that's a sack, then GET IN IT!