The Original David Bowie's Area Webpage

This webpage contains the obligatory set of links to pseudo- related pages and therefore should not be viewed by anyone who really despises webpage cliches like link lists, and should be viewed with caution by anyone who doesn't actually want to leave this site.

Bowie's Area...

It just wouldn't be a webpage without a linklist, would it?

Abbagirl's Labyrinth Page is the first "real" Labyrinth/Bowie site to include a link to this strange place, and therefore gets to be at the top of the link page. It's also just a really great Labrynth page, so check it out.

Zarg's Bowie Picture Collection is where I originally found most of the pics on this site. It's a huge set of pics with a nice tour and explanation, lots of stuff that's really hard to find anywhere else. I'd mention the other few places I've picked up stuff from, but I don't remember. And this one's better, anyway.

Jamming a Pair of Scissors Repeatedly Into Your Crotch is a wonderful page about what's rapidly becoming everybody's new favorite hobby, and is remarkably self-explanatory. We're thinking about doing some sort of collaboration with these guys.

An Onion Article which, while it has little to nothing to do with David Bowie, is definately crotch-related. A definate must-read

David Bowie Package Size/Performance Study Okay, so we're no longer the first and ONLY webpage devoted to David Bowie's Area. This one seems to be more interested in the base physicalities than the deeper metaphysical truths, but still, there it is.