These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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MC Fragment : Conversation Bits

M : Oh, and for the record and to keep things from getting uncomfortable: The fact that I can make jokes about the Just Friends situation means I'm okay with it.

C : i know. i've known you long enough

M : And the fact that I DO make jokes about it means that I think "I like you too much to have sex with you" is one of the dumbest pieces of female-logic ever.

* * *

M : Now it's confession time, because I need to say one of the stupidest things that men can ever say: "I think that stripper actually liked me."

C : what is wrong w/ that?

M : Cuz it's their job to make you think they like you, and men are dumb.

C : yeah, ok. But they have feelings to and must be attracted to someone somewhere. Don't have to assume the worst case though.

M : Oh, I'm not. The intellectual parts of my brain say it's ridiculous to think a stripper likes you, but I've decided to let my ego take this one and run with it.