These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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Job Titles

One of the more entertaining things about being unemployed (in case you hadn't figured that one out, I am) is the level of flexibility when people ask you what you do. Not that that's the only good thing about being employed, because there's so damn many. But check this out:

"I'm in customer service. It's pretty boring. What do you do?"

"Me? Well, I'm a writer, and I do a little stand-up comedy on the side."

Did you see how that worked? That was technically the truth. Sure, I haven't had anything published in about two years and I only do this lame amatuer night thing, but now that guy thinks that's actually my job! Why this amazing discovery hasn't gotten me laid yet is a complete mystery. Anyway, check out a few of my other favorites.

"What do I do? Well, I basically play videogames all day. But it's harder than you'd think."

"I don't have what you'd call a regular job, I just gamble. I like blackjack, mainly."

"Well, it's a little complicated actually. Let's just say I'm involved in the porn industry."

"I write and design a webpage."

"I'm chairman of the DBA Institute."

"What do I do? I pretty much just spend most of the business day masturbating."