These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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pyre's letters to Cupid

Dear Cupid,
I've been very good all year long and-

Dear Cupid,
I've been pretty good this year, mostly-

Dear Cupid,
I've been as good as can be reasonably expected when you get right down to it, at least sometimes, anyway-

Dear Cupid,
I've been not entirely despicable this year and so I think this Valentine's Day I deserve some hot wild-

Dear Cupid,
I've been not entirely despicable this year and so I would really like this Valentine's Day to get some hot wild-

Dear Cupid,
I've been not entirely despicable this year and so I would really like this Valentine's Day to have someone special to share my love with. Who's not super fat or gross or a guy-

Dear Cupid,
I've been not entirely despicable this year and so I would really like this Valentine's Day to have a special girl to share my love with. I've met some cool women this year, and that's great but none of the relationships have really lasted and always just leave me feeling-

Dear Cupid,
Fuck you. Naked baby bastard-ass son of a bitch, anyway.