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I often wonder how phrases and slang terms get started. Today's question: Who was the first tough hardcore urban gangsta guy to refer to the place he lived as "my crib" and exactly how laughed at did he get?

And, sadly enough, when I was checking online to see if I spelled the title of this post right I found this page which offers the following explanation:
Crib - O.E. cribbe "manger," not meaning "child's bed" until 17c., verb meaning "steal" is 17c. from alternate meaning "a basket," and this is probably source of student slang "plagiarize" (1778). Thieves' slang for "dwelling house" dates to at least 1812. The O.H.G. version passed to Fr. and became creche. Cribbage is first recorded 1630.

It takes some of the fun out of my supposition, but it's a fairly interesting site to peruse.