These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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Five Stars

I don't think I can get used to this. The company paid for this trip and of course made all the arrangements. Maybe I'm just easily embarrassed, or maybe it's residual economic guilt, but I'm not really comfortable being pampered in posh surroundings. Yes, there are also the practical considerations. With an eighteen hour flight I'm very glad they sprung for business class's wider seats (and for that matter, free drinks). And since I'm in a huge foreign city with little to no traffic regulations it's very good that they provided a drivver. It's just that...

And here's the part where I'm at a loss for words. I don't really know what it just is. Let's talk about the driver for a minute. I came halfway around the world to do a job, so it's good that there's someone capable of getting me to work, but then there's the door. I know he's just trying to do his job well, but I'm perfectly capable of opening my own door. I tried to explain that he doesn't need to bother, but when I'm doing it myself and getting out of the car he still tries to hop out quicker and get the door for me. I get the impression that he just thinks I'm impatient. Maybe I'm being ungracious and should just let him do his job, but it feels weird to have someone wait on me so much.

The doormen at the hotel are worse. Okay, it's a luxury hotel. Okay, they have doormen. But in the lobby there are double doors. One of the doors will be propped open and the doormen still rush over to open the other door for me! I don't know about the regular clientele at a place like this, but I fit through one door just fine, thank you. Are there people who are used to this level of treatment? Are there people who even expect it? Take it for granted? Demand it?
I don't know.