These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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Minor Absurdity

The microwave has apparently decided that I am, in fact, an alien creature with mandibles and poor fashion sense who has come to this planet to hunt humans for sport. As such it counts down time in bizarre Predator-symbols instead of actual numbers. The microwave has long been proven smarter than I am, so I'll just take its word on this one. I do hope it doesn't decide to clear the area of evidence by self-destructing, however.

I have a hip flask. Like, a good quality flask here. A drinkin' flask for drinkin'. I have only vague ideas as to what I'm going to do with it, as actually using it to drink in places I'm not supposed to seems like a good way to get fired and/or arrested. Still, very nice flask.

The closet is filling with dirty clothes because the laundry basket is full of clean clothes. In a few days I'll be wearing socks on my hands and mittens on my feet. A sad state of affairs, sure, but at least now the shark jaw is hung properly.

Glass Octopus.