These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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Lessons Learned From NapyUpHiWeMo

So I did actually manage to go an entire month updating this site every day. I only cheated once, uploading the Thanksgiving post two hours before it was technically 11/28/02, but I forgive myself that because I was on my way out of town and wouldn't be back until that day was long over. Of course there was also the occasional very short post or outright cop-out disguised as wit, but overall I'd say the month was a success. Every once in a while I need something to goad me into actually writing more. Anywho, here's some of the things I've learned while doing it.

When you use up your planned backup filler on the eighth day, you'd better dig around your hardrive for some more backup filler.

My mother is almost as into unexplained inside jokes as I am. She's right about the "Loopy Dear Loopy" bit though, if you know the words, send them to me!

Speaking of mom: Yes, she reads my webpage. Yes, she really wrote that post. And she really hated this one. See the second to last thing I didn't do on Mother's Day.

No matter how much you enjoy doing something, when you HAVE to do it, it becomes work. (Not so much a revelation as a reminder.)

Frequently the accidental, spontaneous humor is far funnier than the jokes you plan.

Some of the readers from way back in my .edu days still check the sight occasionally, and were happy to see regular updates again. Return readership still astounds me a little, and definitely cheers me up.

Speaking of "back in the day" it really pisses me off when I'll get all nostalgic for Team Fortress and ignorant whelps will think I'm talking about the Team Fortress Classic mod for Half-Life or Team Fortress mode in Quake 3. There's a reason that crap is called "classic" and it's because it's NOT THE ORIGINAL. Team Fortress was the best mod for Quake with no damned numbers after it, or retroactively Quake ONE if you missed the point, and it set the stage for Tribes, CounterStrike, the oft-delayed Team Fortress 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein's team mode and all other class/variety based team FPS games. Here is where I draw the line between myself and all you young whippersnapper "gamers" out there: If you didn't play Team Fortress for Quake 1, your opinions on FPS gaming online do not count. If you weren't playing when you could download a new way to play Quake each and every week, you don't know what a "mod community" really is-

Wait. I mean, speaking of "back in the day" I've gathered up some of my old webpage writings from college and reposted them for your enjoyment here. Get to enjoymenting!