These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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A Brief, Disjointed Conversation with a Moral

ladybug (11:58 PM) : I saw Bloodrayne last night.

pyre (11:59 PM) : Were you drunk?
pyre (11:59 PM) : Or did someone tie you to a chair and drag you to the theater?

ladybug (11:59 PM) : Must have been. Do *not* under any conditions see that movie. The fact Ben Kingsley was in it was just disgraceful

pyre (0:00 AM) : Seriously, those were 5 words I never thought I'd here or read in that particular order. I'm so sorry.

ladybug (0:00 AM) : I was really amazed at how crappy that was. Shouldn't there be some kind of quality control if I'm going to spend $8 on a ticket?
ladybug (0:02 AM) : Heh. It was my friend's idea. She actually fell asleep in it, which was hilarious.

pyre (0:02 AM) : The first I heard about the movie was when I saw a trailer for it, in a movie theater, and the trailer was TV aspect ratio instead of movie theater. That right there warns me of the crappiness level.

ladybug (0:02 AM) : heh. yes. totally a B-movie

pyre (0:02 AM) : Shit! You mean TWO people have actually seen this movie then? I was having a hard enough time coping with the idea that one person had!