These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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New Technology Advances for Civilization 4

Benefits: Discovery of Caffeine allows the use of Tea and Coffee resource tiles. A city with either Tea or Coffee in its resource box receives a 10% bonus on Science Research. If the Tea or Coffee is removed from the resource box the city has 3 additional unhappy citizens until it becomes available again.
Prerequisites: None
Allows: Energy Drinks (with Mass Production)

Missle Defense System
Benefits: None.
Prerequisites: Ballistics, Deficit Spending
Allows: International Treaty Withdrawel

Electronic Voting Machines
Benefits: Democracy government types no longer have to worry about any executive decisions (Declaring War, Canceling Trade Agreements, etc) being cancelled by a popular or Senate vote.
Prerequisites: Espionage, Megacorporations
Allows: Democratic Fascism (with PATRIOT Legislation)

Benefits: Unlocking the principles of Pornography makes 50% of your Unhappy citizens Content, in every city of your Civilization. This advance does make the Great Wonder: Woman's Suffrage take 5 times longer to build, however.
Prerequisites: Photography, Capitalism
Allows: Pr0n (with The Internet)
Great Wonder: Free Internet Pr0n! (Completion of this great wonder halts your civilizations population growth completely.)