These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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My Fruity Flava

Recently two separate friends each let me know let me know that the WebSense filtering software was blocking our beloved from being read from their workstations while they were trying to goof off on the job. Hard to believe, I know: I have two friends!

Here's the thing:

The site you are attempting to reach is filtered. If you need to have access to this site for business purposes, please log a Service Request, with Corporate Security as the Area and Blocked Internet as the Subarea, by accessing the Help Desk. Please include in the Service Request the URL listed below and the business purpose for which you need to reach this site. Thank you.

Reason: The category "Tasteless" is filtered. URL:

Wait, wait, read it again... They said Area! Don't you dare block my Area! Or my SubArea! Whatever that is! Hey- This website does too have taste. It's sort of salty, with just a bit of tang. So, let's go check out Websense's big stupid list of categories for wussies to block and see if we can't learn a bit about ourselves? What is Tasteless, anyway?

Sites with content that is gratuitously offensive or shocking, but not violent or frightening. Includes sites devoted in part or whole to scatology and similar topics or to improper language, humor, or behavior.

Woohoo for gratuitously offensive! I'll cheer for being considered gratuitously anything, really. But: Not frightening? Have they SEEN my photo galleries? Didn't they read about how every time you stick out your tongue to lick an icecream cone you're also licking David Bowie's crotch? If that's not frightening, Websense is staffed by braver men then I.