These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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An Open Letter to Hidden Tracks

We need to talk. I’m sorry, but I just can’t put this off any longer. It just isn’t working out between us any more and I can’t continue to hide my feelings from you. When we first met back in the mid-90’s, yes, I did think you were kind of cool. But even then what attraction I felt towards you was only a novelty. You were our own little secret. It was that mystique that led me to say those things to you. Please believe me, I meant everything I said, at the time. Only that was then and this is now.

Let’s face facts though. The novelty and the mystery really only lasted a month. Five weeks, tops. The whole thing was an illusion, anyway. Everybody knew all about you. I was never the only one, at least be honest enough to admit that. It wasn’t even like I was part of an secret little club of a select few. No, by the time I went to college you were all over, and I was already tired of you. Would you please just go away already? It’s been over for a long time.

Why don’t I like you anymore? Do I really need to spell it out for you? Since you’re still around you must not have gotten a clue these last ten years, so I’ll be blunt. You bore me. I’m sick of you wasting my time. I try to just ignore you but I’m reminded of you every time I listen to one of my old CDs. You keep butting in on newer musicians, too. You keep me from listening to the people that I want to hear. You act like you’re clever when you’re really just played-out and lame. You embarrass me at parties. I just can’t stand those awkward silences anymore!

Look, we could have just had a nice little fling there and left it at that. But you had to keep showing up. I think you were stalking me at the music store, always following me home. You need to understand that you are nothing but an inconvenience to me now. I’ve got an mp3 player, a CD-burner, and some editing software now. I’m cutting you out of my life for good.