These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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So City of Heroes released it's fourth free expansion thingy this week. Among the new stuff are a bunch of extra options added to their already-impressive costume creation system. I applaud this. More free content is more free content. However, I can't help but wonder: How many of the new options were added to cover what few comicbook geek masturbation fantasies were impossible to create with the old system? I mean, it was bad enough with the spandex and bikinies and thigh-highs. Now there's three different lengths of pleated skirts available, and I think you can make nurse's uniforms. I haven't quite figured out how to do the best french maid outfit yet, but I have faith that someone has. Life has just gotten a little bit better for gaming-addicted creepy shut-ins everywhere!