These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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The Stars are Right

Cephalopods are very sneaky

"The guy's point was, it takes a huge cognitive capacity to process the information necessary to see and then spatialize and replicate a complex color pattern (and texture: these bastards can flex subdermal muscles to create 3-D bumps and ridges!). So, the guy says, if their brains can do that, they could probably eventually learn how to type qwerty and drive stick."

Yet we keep discovering larger and larger ones!

"Japanese researchers took pictures of the elusive creature hunting 900m down, enveloping its prey by coiling its tentacles into a ball.
The images show giant squid, known as Architeuthis, are more vigorous hunters than has been supposed."

We've recently found a previously-undetected 10th planet

"The astonishing find has reignited the debate about what properties an object has to possess in order to be classed as a planet."

While the ocean is glowing strangely at night

"The newly released images show a vast region of the Indian Ocean, about the size of Connecticut, glowing three nights in a row. The luminescence was also spotted from a ship in the area.
'The circumstances under which milky seas form is almost entirely unknown," says Steven Miller, a Naval Research Laboratory scientists who led the space-based discovery. "Even the source for the light emission is under debate.'"

Hmmm... So listen up, humanity, because we are good and screwed.