These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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Yeah, Write.

Somebody recently asked me if I enjoy writing.
This was a more difficult question than you may have thought. There are moments, this is not one of them, that putting an idea into words is the most sublime experience that I've ever had. There are other times, and this is still not one of those either, that grasping for the right words is so agonizingly frustrating that I can barely bring myself to do it.
That is how those of us who get paid by the word say what you'd be inclined to think of as "Well, yes and no."

Writing is easiest for me when it's a distraction from something else. When it becomes a responsibility is when it becomes work and is its hardest. This is probably why I have multiple projects going on at any given time. By updating this page I'm putting off working on the novel, or sometimes it's the other way around. This also raises some serious questions about whether I'll ever be able to actually do this sort of thing for a living.
I may just get into one of those online roleplaying games that feels like work, and convince myself "I should really be trying to hit level 40 tonight, but I feel like writing a chapter instead." I may be so thoroughly insane that it would actually work, is the scary part.

Aaaaaannd some sort of witty segue goes here... I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year. There, shit, I've said it in front of you, my largely imaginary reader base. That means I actually have to take a stab at it. Terrifying stuff, that constant production schedule.

Perhaps the answer is "No, but I'm a masochist."