These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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As I'd expected, the tough part about doing a week about monkeys wasn't coming up with seven things to say about monkeys. It was actually getting around to updating every day of the week. So, solving the problem with a brilliant stroke of genius, I didn't.

But today for some reason something possessed me to rearrange something I've been meaning to for a while. So I hearded the dilligent monkey task force and had them pound on keyboards until we had a master list of all the fun! They also handed me a couple copies of Hamlet they'd whipped up, but that just goes to show that my staff of trained monkeys is a bunch of filthy, shameless plagarists. Lazy monkeys.

The main advantage of the big list, other than getting rid of the mile-long sidebar on these pages, is that each day's update has a title next to the date. Or, at least, they will when these damned dirty apes finish typing in the titles. They assure me that they're flinging feces at the ftp server as fast as they can, folks, so the rest of the titles should be up... I have no idea how to calculate that from this aeronautical defecation figures, sorry.
But the idea is that you'll be able to just read the things that sound interesting, or go back to find a particular rant easier, or maybe just learn a little something about love.

Since this update has been only loosely about monkeys, in the whole "WebMonkey" genre of humor, I'd like to take a moment to explain something about Monkey Week in general. Let's say you came up to me and asked, "But pyre, why monkeys? What's the deal? Why are you hung up on monkeys?"
Well, dear reader, at that point I'd leap onto you, wrap my legs around your shoulders, and punch you repeatedly, hand over hand, in the top of the head while screaming "I am the alpha male!" so we really don't have to get into the answer to that question.