These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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I have devoted a fair portion of my available thought processes today with pondering the possible inherrent signifigances of this particular anniversary of my birth.
The best I've come up with is that it's a power of 3. 3^3, as a matter of fact, which seems at least mildly noteworthy.

Today also marks eight years of no haircuts for me. The decision to get what I saw then as "the last haircut until or unless my one somehow becomes absolutely necessary" on my birthday, for ease of remembrance, I now see as perhaps the wisest decision I made during my freshman year at college.
Because people ask.
(And, since the follow-up to this declaration is more often than not "but you still just get it trimmed, right?" I shall provide the answer: No. That would be a haircut. What part of No Haircuts is hard to understand? But I digress.)

Birthdays and New Years often seem to provoke introspection of a weighing and value-stocking sort. Today was no different. Materially, I am dismal for one who grew as a "gifted" child and had education readily available. While inconvenient, this doesn't bother me as much as it might, for Spiritually I am far ahead of what would be expected from the antisocial youth and arrogant teen that I was for most of my life to date. Emotionally and Romanitcally, my life post-highschool awkwardness has been worse than I would have hoped, but better than I could have honestly expected. All in all, could be worse, could be better. That's the way way things are, and perhaps the only way things can be. Whether that's a problem or an epiphany just depends on your point of view.

And since I'm posting this fairly late in the evening, so pretty much anybody who does see it will do so tomorrow at the earliest, remember to vote today!