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Dr. Charles Billingsworth's Notes on the Dissection of the Cadaver of the Mayor of the Town of Roughshod (A Werewolf)

(For those of you who've never met Charles, he was my character in the Deadlands roleplaying game, up until I moved away from where that campaign was being run.)

1. Removal of eyes, as intact as possible, to be placed on either side of dissection table looking inward. (What is art without an audience?)
2. Lupine facial features, e.g. “snout”, one of the more drastic changes. Proper study of facial elongation and fangs necessitates removal of jaw.
3. Animals have lesser brain-mass than man, owing to their limited intelligence. How does the hybrid compare? Open skull in the back to remove brainpan and weigh gray matter.
4. In accordance with the wolf/man dichotomy, all torso and limb dissection will be limited to the left side of the body, leaving the right half as an approximately intact wolf/man form for consideration.
5. Remove left ribs to allow access to chest cavity. Inspect major organs to compare and contrast with those of a normal human. How far internal does the change go?
6. The heart is truly a remarkable organ. Also a universal symbol of love. This particular specimen, marvelously rare, should be duly preserved. Perhaps dried out, like the detestable “jerky” the locals enjoy while traveling.
7. Veins and arteries spread through the body like a web. Similar to the outreaching webs this pack alpha had to control the wolves in one form, and the townspeople in his other. To contemplate this metaphor further, some of his arteries will need to be externalized, reaching out from the body for as far as their length can be preserved.
8. The lower legs seem to have developed into animallian haunches. For a study of the change in muscle mass and possible bone alteration, the left leg will need to be cross-sectioned at a minimum of three locations.
9. I never did like this chap. Ought to bash his genitals with a large mallet to give him his comeuppance.