These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

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Damnit, I KNEW we should have actually made new banners for 2004!

Click on it anyway, though.

Alright, my tiny handful of readers, the election's over, evil has triumphed, and you won't see any more blatantly political FUNeral posts here for a while. If politics enter this page at all it'll just be the cynicism and ridicule one should expect from me, and only when something in the news is sufficiently humorous. So, without further ado, the final thoughts before I get charged with sedition...

It seems ironic to me that the message Republicans have been trying to subtly get across for months, from the RNC "purple heart" bandades to the French-like and effiminate portrayals on Fox News is the exact thing that the far-left liberals who wanted to fight the Diebold electoral fraud (I mean "voting") machines and the voter-intimidation and push for recounts and making sure Every Last Vote really does count are all now screaming: "John Kerry is a pussy!"

Ha-ha! I kid, John, but really conceding because you lost the popular vote and had only a tenous claim to taking the electoral college and fighting it out would have divided the country even more... It was the noble thing to do, the right thing to do, the honest thing to do. It's exactly what your scumfuck opponent DIDN'T do four years ago! Thanks for quitting on us there, good buddy. Way to bring a loofah sponge to a knife fight. I'm reminded of a few times where people have told me "I know it's hard, but the way you're handling it shows you're the better person." Huzzah for the moral highground, but it doesn't always keep you from wanting to kick somebody in the face.

A rather good friend of mine always insists that we should try to find "the positives" in anything. The tiny silver lining around the monstrously huge, dark, foreboding stormclouds. So here goes:
1) I had been somewhat concerned about actually being part of the majority opinion in this country. I have my crazed-outsider status to protect, after all.
2) In terms of long-term political gains, Bush having to take care of the mess he's made may hurt the Republicans more than a lost election would have. Sure, they'll probably just keep trying to cover it all up and brainwash the masses... But after four more years maybe the political climate will be better for an opposition candidate who's more fully opposed to Republican business-as-usual.
3) A victory for President Junior means we have four more years for him to get impeached. If things go shitty enough by the Congressional mid-term elections in two years, it just may happen.
4) I'm still allowed to bitch about the government, because I voted for the Other Guy. I think that rule is in the Constitution.

Okay, I'm vented. Enough politics. Coming up next update, we'll be talking about sex! At least until the Republican-controlled FCC cracks down again!
(Ha-ha, suckers, slipped that one in under the wire.)