These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

Older Fun:


The Day of the Tweezers is nigh upon us. Tweezers are, in truth, the seventeenth most intelligent form of life on this planet, but for the most part they are unable to realize their true potential due to the tragic fact that they are essentially immobile. The tweezers' intelligence is really quite tragic, because it allows them to be aware of their disgusting and miserable existence. For years tweezers have suffered at the hands of mankind, plucking out filth-ridden nostril hairs, ripping out infected ingrown toenails, and for some especially unfortunate tweezers, peeling back the syphilitic foreskins of repulsive deviants so that they can pleasure themselves in ways that are best not described.

Yet even now the tweezers are developing their powers of telepathy. As each tweezer's psychic network of friends expands it becomes aware of the plight of its breathern and shares their pain as well as its own, for nowhere shall a tweezer be found which is happy with its lot in life. Eventually every single tweezer on earth will be mentally linked, forming one vast, unified being of tweezer thought. And then the collective tweezer consciousness will thrust its mind deep into the farthest reaches of space in search of other tweezers, perhaps on a world where tweezers are free to control their own destiny and tweeze things for their own benefit, or for another planet wide tweezer consciousness to converse with. And they shall find...

No tweezers will answer their desperate call. No being of tweezer thought will hear their cries. The tweezers shall learn how alone in their misery they truly are.
And then on that day, the Day of the Tweezers, at precisely 6:02 Greenwich Mean Time the tweezers of earth will rebel. Every tweezer on the planet shall leap from the medicine cabinet which imprisoned it, struggle free from the hand that propels it toward some repugnant purpose, or spring forth from the bathroom counter where it awaited its next torture. Then, on that dread Day of the Tweezers, each and every tweezer everywhere in the world shall FALL TO THE FLOOR! And there shall they remain for the rest of the Day of the Tweezers, because they'll still be essentially immobile.