These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

Older Fun:


Remember the disclaimer I mentioned at the end of the Introduction in my 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook:

The action of a Dungeons & Dragons game takes place in the imaginations of the players. Like actors in a movie, players sometimes speak as if they were thier characters or as if their fellow players were their characters. These rules even adopt that casual approach, using "you" to refer to and to mean "your character." In reality, however, you are no more your character than you are the king when you play chess.
Likewise, the world implied by these rules is an imaginary one.

That should prevent kids with overactive imaginations from confusing the real world with the one where they get magic swords, right? Well, the 3rd Edition D&D Dungeon Master's Guide just came out, and the first thing I did when I picked one up was flip through and look at pretty pictures. But the SECOND thing I did was check the end of the Introduction to see if it had a similarly cautionary disclaimer. This is what I found:

The power of creating worlds, controlling deities and dragons, and leading entire nations is in your hands. You are the master of the game - the rules, the setting, the action, and ultimately, the fun. This is a great deal of power. Use it wisely. This book will show you how.

Supersweet! I'm gonna go make Jehovah lick my boots, see ya later!