These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

Older Fun:


A Short Play

MIND - A conscious thought process possessing sentience
BODY - The hunk of meat and bones to which MIND is attached

(SCENE: A couch. BODY is sleeping. MIND enters from unconsciousness.)

MIND: Hey! Wake up!

BODY: ZZZZSnrrch- uh! Huh, what?

MIND: We need to wake up now. We're going out to dinner today, remember?

BODY: Nuh-uh, we're sleeping. Work isn't for another six, er... four- twel- um, a bunch of hours.

MIND: Not work, we're going to go out for dinner. You know, to put meat in you.

BODY: Meat?

MIND: Yes, it's a special day. We're going to go get a hunk of meat and put it in you!

BODY: Hunk of meat?

MIND: Yes! A big hunk of rare meat! But we have to get up so we-

BODY: Sounds good. You go get it. I'll be over here, sleeping.

MIND: NO!! It doesn't work that way!

BODY: ...

MIND: We have to go together. Come on, get up! Hello?

BODY: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

MIND: Damnit, WAKE UP!!!

BODY: Ah! Doing it!

MIND: What?

BODY: Oh, it's just you. Did you get the meat?

MIND: It doesn't work that way, I can't go get the meat without you.

BODY: You SAID you were going to get us some meat!

MIND: No, I said we'd both-

BODY: You don't have the meat? NO MEAT?!?

MIND: Look, we can just-


MIND: Um, I'm out in the hall! Yeah! You'll have to come get me.


(BODY runs screaming out of the room, exit stage left)